Reconciliation Action Plan
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Reconciliation Action Plan
The AASW is committed to Reconciliation, and our Reconciliation Action Plans are essential steps in our journey.
AASW RAP 2023-2024
The 2023-2024 Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan details the AASW’s commitment to elevating and amplifying the voices, cultures, and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to foster a better, fairer society led by our values of caring for everyone.
We will remember past injustices and racist policies the profession of social work has been involved in and continuously learn and grow from this history to foster meaningful relationships that embody respect, honesty, the right to self-determination, transparency and knowledge sharing with all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples.
AASW RAP 2020-2022
Our 2020-2022 Reconciliation Action Plan contained detailed, ambitious, and achievable actions. It improved our engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples who are social workers within the Association and increased membership of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social workers.
This RAP supports the AASW vision for reconciliation. It envisions a society in which all Australians hear and learn the truth of our past and work in the present to progress a just society that represents all of us.
RAP 2017–2019
This RAP led to these outcomes:
- The establishment of the RAP Working Group to monitor the RAP development
- Development of policies for Acknowledgement of Country and establishment of a protocol for every meeting
- Development and implementation of a cultural awareness training plan for all staff in conjunction with SNAICC (Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care)
- Scoping and identification of peak Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander organisations for the AASW and the commencement of developing relationships at a national level
- Increase in social policy activity and policy statements on key Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander issues
RAP 2013–2016
The AASW’s first RAP, launched at the AGM on 23 November 2013, recognises the special place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First Australians. It also demonstrates respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of knowing, being and doing through incorporation into social work theory and practice.
The RAP sets out to facilitate social workers becoming better informed about working with First Australians to provide culturally competent, safe and sensitive practice.