Understanding the Experience of Female Social Workers who have Lived Through Domestic and/ or Family Violence while employed in the Human Services Field in Queensland.

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  • Understanding the Experience of Female Social Workers who have Lived Through Domestic and/ or Family Violence while employed in the Human Services Field in Queensland.
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  • Understanding the Experience of Female Social Workers who have Lived Through Domestic and/ or Family Violence while employed in the Human Services Field in Queensland.

    Key datesCurrently seeking participants through to 2025, or sooner if required participant number is reached.
    Participants sought–          Cis-Female – (18 and above;) 
    –          Hold a Social Work Degree (Bachelor or Masters from an Australian or International University) 
    –          Worked in the Human Services field in Queensland, and in your role, interacted with clients/ patients who have experienced or perpetrated Domestic or Family Violence (Full-time, Part-time or Casual Work) 
    –          Worked in the above role while experiencing domestic or family violence yourself (for any length of time)
    For safety reasons, it is asked that experiences relate to previous violent relationships, and that upon participating you are not experiencing domestic or family violence currently.
    AboutDomestic and family violence can affect anyone from any background however affects women and children disproportionately. Domestic and family violence (DFV) can have wide-reaching impacts on victim-survivors and those around them.
    Previous studies have explored the impact of domestic and family violence on healthcare workers including, doctors and nurses, and educators. However, there is limited research exploring the impacts of domestic and family violence on social workers.
    This study seeks to explore the impacts of DFV on social workers, explore strengths/ strategies social workers have drawn on and understand what barriers social workers may have encountered during this time.
    What is involvedThis study involves a 1-2 Hour audio recorded semi-structured interview via Microsoft Teams, on a day/ time of your choosing or in person (if based in Townsville).
    The audio recording will be transcribed, and you will have the opportunity to review the transcription. Due to the sensitive nature of the study, the audio recording will be deleted straightaway upon transcription, and you will be issued a pseudonym.
    How to get involvedPlease contact the Principle Researcher Kat Buchta [email protected] for further information or to participate in the study.
    Institution and investigator contactJames Cook University (JCU)
    Email: [email protected]
    Principle Researcher: Kathleen (Kat) Buchta (BSW)