AASW Board Vacancy | Call For Expressions Of Interest

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  • AASW Board Vacancy: Call for Expression of Interest

    The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) stands as the professional cornerstone for social workers in Australia, advocating for their representation and support while setting high standards for professional education and practice in the field.

    An opportunity has emerged within the Board of Directors of our Association. In alignment with our strategic vision, values, and commitment to cultural inclusivity and decolonisation, the Board has decided to fill this vacancy exclusively with a Torres Strait Islander member.

    We invite expressions of interest from eligible Torres Strait Islander AASW Members to step into this pivotal role. The appointed Director will officially assume duties upon the Board’s selection, anticipated around mid-January 2024. They will serve until the conclusion of the 2024 Annual General Meeting of Members, slated for November 2024. Additionally, the selected individual will have the option to seek re-election during the 2024 Director election cycle.

    This is a significant opportunity to contribute to the guidance and leadership of our Association, amplifying the diverse voices and perspectives within our community. We eagerly await the involvement of a qualified and passionate individual to help steer our journey forward.

    The appointee will be expected to participate as an active member of the Board in:

    • Attendance at all Board teleconference meetings, currently 4 per year (2 hours each)
    • Attendance at all face-to-face Board meetings, currently 4 per year (2 days each, generally a Friday and a Saturday and generally in Melbourne, Victoria)
    • Attendance at any general meetings of members (e.g., AGM, EGM)
    • Membership of Board Committees, where appointed.

    It is estimated that the appointee would need to commit 15 to 20 hours per month to fulfil their directorial duties, including preparing for meetings, attending meetings, and occasionally being available for ad hoc discussions.  

    The appointee must consent to act as a Director and be eligible to be appointed as a Director under the Corporations Act. The appointee must apply for a Director Identification Number from the Australian Business Services Registry.

    The appointee will receive an honorarium (1) in recognition of their volunteer contribution to the Association and (2) to acknowledge the potential impact on employment taking up such a role may incur.

    The appointee will be provided with a formal Director induction and training and professional development opportunities in corporate governance.

    To express your interest

    Please prepare:

    • Curriculum Vitae (“CV”) (3 pages max)
    • a Candidate Statement (no more than 750 words) on why you would like to be considered for the role of Director of AASW.


    Responses (which may be in tabular format) to the skills, attributes, knowledge and qualifications (“Key Attributes”) considered desirable in being appointed as a Director of AASW: 

    1. Professional integrity. We are committed to the professional standards and ethics of the social work profession. Committed, organised, promotes accountability and able to place the needs of the broader organisation/profession over personal values or interests. Shows courage and independence.
    2. Cultural awareness and humility. Values diversity, understanding of the importance of creating culturally safe relationships and communicating appropriately and inclusively. 
    3. Critical thinking. Demonstrates critically reflective skills and the ability to analyse complex issues, weighing up options as part of a robust analytical decision-making process. 
    4. Communicates constructively. Is articulate, persuasive, diplomatic, self-aware and reflects on personal impact and effectiveness. Listens and responds constructively to contributions from others.
    5. Focuses strategically. Takes a broad perspective, can see the big strategic picture, and considers long-term impacts. Demonstrates relevant governance and/or leadership experience.
    6. Collaborates in the best interests of the Association. Is a team player, flexible, cooperative and creates partnerships.

    Email your CV, Candidate Statement and your response to the Key Attributes to [email protected] no later than midday (AEDT) on Friday 12 January 2024.

    Only applications from Torres Strait Islander AASW Members will be considered.

    The nominee shall provide, at the time of nomination, three ‘working criteria’ as confirmation of Torres Strait Islander heritage [1] (all these things must apply):

    1. being of Torres Strait Islander descent;
    2. identifying as a Torres Strait Islander person;
    3. being accepted as such by the community in which the nominee lives or formerly lived.

    Linda Ford

    National President and Chair of the Board

    14 December 2023

      [1] Guideline from the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies.