Editorial Board – Expression of Interest
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Expression of Interest
The highly ranked journal of the AASW, Australian Social Work, is seeking expressions of interest from members of the AASW to fill an upcoming vacant position on the Editorial Board.
Editorial Board members play an active role in attending meetings of the Editorial Board, reviewing manuscripts, and contributing to the ongoing development of editorial policies and the direction of the Journal.
Role and responsibilities
AASW members who join Australian Social Work’s Editorial Board agree to:
- Contribute towards efforts in maintaining and enhancing the journal’s high editorial and operational standards as a core social work journal.
- Provide suggestions and recommendations to the Editor and publisher staff for continuous quality improvement.
- Be available to offer editorial advice to the Editor/s as required.
- Advocate on behalf of the journal and its publisher in an effort to recruit readers, authors, peer reviewers, board members, and other potential partners.
- Represent and advocate for the journal at social work-related conferences and symposia, at their university or agency, and in their capacity as a member of related trade or professional associations and organisations.
- Undertake reviews of articles as requested by the Editor, typically 4-6 per year,
- Participate in risk management training periodically as arranged by the AASW.
The successful applicants
The successful applicants will have:
- A record of publication in high quality national or international peer reviewed journals in social work or related areas of scholarship.
- Demonstrated capacity to provide critical reviews of manuscripts to ensure publications meet international standards of scholarship.
- High level communication skills and capacity to work effectively as a member of the Editorial Board.
- Capacity to contribute to the ongoing development of editorial policies and content of the Journal.
- Residency in Australia.
- Current membership of the AASW.
Additional information
Australian Social Work is an international peer-reviewed journal reflecting current thinking and trends in Social Work practice and research. The aims and scope of Australian Social Work demonstrate commitment to acknowledging and understanding the historical and contemporary injustice and disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and the implications of this for knowledge development, practice, policy and education. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander authors’ contributions to the Journal are highly valued. Further information on the journal can be found on the website: Australian Social Work | Taylor & Francis Online (tandfonline.com)
The appointments to the Editorial Board are for an initial three-year term, with potential for renewal for a subsequent three-year term. The positions require an average commitment of 4 to 5 hours per month.
The Editorial Board meets three times each year (expenses paid). General membership of the Editorial Board is not remunerated. Position holders receive an honorarium.
For more information on the role, please email:
Prof Debbie Plath, Chair, Editorial Board [email protected] or
Dr Susan Gair, Editor Australian Social Work [email protected]
How to apply
Send your expression of interest addressing how you can contribute to the Australian Social Work Editorial Board and a copy of your curriculum vitae via email to [email protected] by Monday 31 March.