Studying Social Work

  • Study social work

    The Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards (ASWEAS) set the principles and graduate attributes for social work education in Australia. They are the criteria for the AASW accreditation of professional social work courses across the country.

    Australian social work degrees

    The AASW accredits both Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Social Work qualifications for entry into the social work profession. Graduates of accredited social work courses are eligible for membership of the AASW.

    The profession is regulated by the AASW, which sets standards for social work practice, ethics and education, and eligibility for membership of our professional association is the benchmark for qualified practice in Australia.

    Ways to identify an AASW accredited social work course

    • Provisionally accredited qualification: A new social work program that has not yet delivered its first graduates. This status applies for the duration of the first cohort. Students undertaking a provisionally accredited course have the same standing and eligibility as graduates from all other AASW accredited courses.
    • Accredited qualification: Programs that have met all the ASWEAS requirements.
    • Conditional accredited qualification: Program(s) which may not comply with all ASWEAS requirements, which can be addressed within a specified period of time. Providers will undergo a further Panel review process to assess non-compliances as identified.
    • All references to AASW accredited social work qualifications in Higher Education Provider (HEP) publications and marketing materials must state clearly they are entry-level programs.


    They should be accompanied by the following statement:

    This is an AASW-accredited qualification. It is an entry qualification into the social work profession and has been determined to meet the Australian Social Work Education and Accreditation Standards. Higher Education Providers publications and marketing material should make explicit the level of accreditation awarded to a social work program: Provisional, Full or Conditional.

    Social Workers Labour Market Insights

    Here is an excellent source of social work-related statistics and job prospects.

    Social Work Scholarships

    Here is a list of available social work scholarships.