CPD Hours1.5 hrs
CPD CategoryCategory 2: Skills and Knowledge
OrganiserAASW National
Event FormatOn-Demand
Practice & careerMental Health, Disability, Health, Child, Youth & Family Services, Addiction, Alcohol & Other Drugs
CPD Hours1.5 hrs
CPD CategoryCategory 2: Skills and Knowledge
OrganiserAASW National
Event FormatOn-Demand
Practice & careerMental Health, Disability, Health, Child, Youth & Family Services, Addiction, Alcohol & Other Drugs
Member price: $90.00 including GST (member price will display once logged in)
Non-member price: $180.00 including GST
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD) is a condition caused by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and affects children’s development and mental health throughout their life. Approximately 2%-5% of Australian children are affected by this condition.
In many instances, children affected by PAE can present with learning difficulties, behavioural concerns and attention difficulties that can mean it is more difficult for them to master the developmental tasks of childhood. This can include participation in learning, development of self -regulation, and development of peer relationships. Over time, this places children at increased risk of developing mental health concerns.
Social workers and allied health professionals working across children’s services, welfare services, and school settings are likely to encounter children who are living with the impact of PAE. Early identification of affected children can significantly improve their ability to take part in normative developmental opportunities and protect their mental health.
This webinar will describe FASD and its impact on each area of child development. This will be followed by a discussion of indicators that can support the early identification of children at risk of developing mental health concerns. The principles of effective support will also be discussed alongside exploration of available supports and resources for children, families, and supporting professionals.
Who should register?
This webinar is suitable for any social workers who work in children’s services, welfare services, and/or school settings. Allied health professionals, counsellors, community workers and school support staff are also encouraged to attend.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this program, participants will be able to:
AASW Credentials: Disability; Mental Health
Dr Sara McLean is a registered psychologist and Knowledge Translation Advisor for Emerging Minds. Sara also runs a private practice and consultancy in the areas of child protection, disability and developmental difference, and children with challenging behaviours.
Sara has published widely on the support needs of children with developmental difference arising from disability, prenatal and early life adversity, and trauma. Sara has a special interest in the developmental needs of children with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Sara is also the author of the ‘Fostering Difference’ website and materials, and the book ‘Parenting traumatized children with Developmental Differences’ (Jessica Kingsley Publishers).
Sara was awarded the ACU Linacre Fellowship at Oxford University in recognition of her critical analysis of the out of home care system, and her work supporting children in care.
12 Jun 2025 | 10:30 AM-12:00 PM [GMT+10]
3.0 hrs
Clinical SW, Mental Health
Join is in this workshop to enhance your skills in coercive control, risk assessment, and safety planning.
12 Jun 2025 | 10:30 AM-12:00 PM [GMT+10]
1.5 hrs
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Join us in this webinar to foster respect, understanding, and empowerment in supervision for First Nations staff
12 Jun 2025 | 10:30 AM-12:00 PM [GMT+10]
3.0 hrs
Clinical SW, Mental Health
Join our workshop to enhance your skills in coercive control, risk assessment, and safety planning