This webinar is designed to assist new and established professionals to develop and build on their skills to increase their confidence with engaging and supporting alongside, those in the trans and gender diverse community
Member price: $60.00 including GST (member price will display once logged in)
Non-member price: $120.00 including GST
Social workers are increasingly asked to work alongside people with a trans or gender-diverse experience in a variety of roles both clinically and therapeutically.
For many professionals this can feel like a challenging or specialised area to approach and the outcomes for participants in these scenarios can be less than optimal with onwards referral, disengagement and or systemic challenges being real threats.
This webinar recording is designed to assist new and established professionals in developing their skills to increase their confidence with engaging and supporting those in the trans and gender diverse community, focusing on:
1. Utilising existing strengths-based approaches to allow participants to continue to be the experts in their lives.
2. Recognising systemic and clinical anxieties in their own practice (language, barriers to service, existing stigma and mythology that is also present in the room).
3. Giving themselves permission to also be on a journey alongside the participant in forging best practice outcomes.
4. Their own learning experience and journey to provide better outcomes for all.
Handouts and practical resources are also provided.
AASW Credentials: All credentials
Learning Outcomes
Participants will:
- Gain an understanding of their own role in gender diverse practice.
- Build increased confidence in facilitating client conversations.
- Learn how to deconstruct the mythologies that exist around gender diversity.
- Understand the impact of stigma and the intersectional experience of the people they are working alongside.
- Reflect upon the notion of an informed consent model of care vs. a medical model of care.
Presenter details
Max Mackenzie
Max Mackenzie (he /him) is a Mental health social worker and private practitioner who has worked across a multitude of areas in his 16-year career. Max runs a thriving private practice in FNQ and is well known in relation to LGBTI+ advocacy as well as his specialised interest areas including working with systems and individuals in the areas of complex trauma, NDIS, front line responders and capacity development.
Max was awarded regional trans activist of the year (Queensland) in 2019 (Many genders one voice) and continues to work alongside specialist providers in informing a multi sectional approach to care.