Digital Badges

Digital Badges

Showcase your verified social work qualifications, specialisations, education, training, experience and contribution to the profession. 

AASW digital badges allow you to easily communicate your skills and accomplishments online. All credentials are certified by AASW and contain verified metadata describing the type of professional qualification and the education, training and experience required to earn it. 

The social worker member and credential badges display our legally protected Collective Trade Mark which allows eligible social workers distinguish themselves to clients, employers and the general public as professionals with legitimate credentials. As well as providing a mark of quality, the trade mark also provides increased protection and safety for clients accessing social work services. 

They can be used in email signatures, digital resumes, personal websites and social media platforms, and are a great way to increase opportunities in the workforce and beyond. 

You can earn a digital badge for your membership, credentials, participating in a range of activities, receiving awards and completing CPD. 

How it works
  1. You will receive an email notifying you to claim your badge at our partner Credly’s website.
  2. Click the link in that email.
  3. Create an account on the Credly site.
  4. Claim your badge
  5. Start sharing

By accepting your digital badge, you can:

  • Advance in workforce without bias – let your badge explain your training history
  • Verify, validate, and attest that you have specific education, training, skills and competencies
  • Connect to over 1,000 job boards – using relevant skills to streamline your search
  • Share your badge on social media – You earned it! Share it! 

Use of the digital badges is subject to the AASW Collective Trademark Guidelines and the Licensing Agreement and Conditions of Use of the AASW Collective Trademarks. 

Q: What is the difference between digital badges and the trademarks? 

AASW Digital Badges 

AASW now offers digital badges as a membership benefit, which are hosted externally by Credly. These badges are a simple yet powerful way to showcase and validate your membership, credentials, training, and other accomplishments with AASW. They are easily shareable and verifiable, making them an excellent tool for promoting your achievements. 

AASW trademarks 

The introduction of AASW Trade Marks dates back to 2014, and these trademarks distinguish themselves by only offering three specific types: Social Worker, Accredited Social Worker, and credential trademarks. Upon application or being awarded a trademarks due to your credentials, your name becomes part of a publicly accessible register on our website. To complement the trademarks, members who are approved and issued trademarks will be given relevant digital badge/s. 

Q: How do I add the digital badge to my email signature?

 Please have a look at the Credly website for instructions. 

Q: How do I qualify for an Accredited Social Worker badge? 

A: This is available to qualified social workers who are accountable to the AASW Code of Ethics and who have committed to, and completed a minimum amount of ongoing, annual, continuing professional development. Members must set up and meet their Accredited Social worker goal to be eligible for this badge. 

Q: How do I qualify for an Accredited Social Worker badge? 

A: This is available to qualified social workers who are accountable to the AASW Code of Ethics and who have committed to, and completed a minimum amount of ongoing, annual, continuing professional development. Members must set up and meet their Accredited Social worker goal to be eligible for this badge. 

Q: What is an open badge? 


A: Open badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification or learning outcome which can be verified in real-time, online. 

Q: How does my certification get displayed as a badge?

A: We have partnered with Credly’s digital badge platform to translate the learning outcomes you’ve demonstrated into a badge. The technology Credly uses is based on the Open Badge Standards maintained by IMS Global. This enables you to manage, share and verify your competencies digitally. 

Q: What are the benefits of a badge?

A: Representing your skills as a badge gives you a way to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted and can be easily verified in real-time. Badges provide employers and peers concrete evidence of what you had to do to earn your credential and what you’re now capable of. Credly also offers labour market insights, based on your skills. You can search and apply for job opportunities right through the Credly platform. 

Q: Who is Credly?

A: Credly is the end-to-end solution for issuing and managing digital credentials. Credly works with credible organisations to provide digital credentials to individuals, worldwide. 

Q: How will I know if I’ve earned a badge?

A: You will receive an email notification from Credly ([email protected]) with instructions for claiming your badge and setting up your account. 

Q: What if I don’t want my badge to be public?

A: You can easily configure your privacy settings in Credly. You’re in complete control of the information about yourself that is made public.

Q: Is there a fee to use Credly?

A: No. This is a service we provide to you, at no cost. 

Q: What’s to keep someone else from copying my badge and using it?

A: While badges are simply digital image files, they are uniquely linked to data hosted on the Credly platform. This link to verified data makes them more reliable and secure than a paper-based certificate. It also eliminates the possibility of anyone claiming your credential and your associated identity. 

Q: Where and how can I share my badge through Credly?

A: You can share your badge directly from the Credly platform to LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook; over email; embedded in a website or in your email signature. 

Q: What are labour market insights and how can I access them through Credly?

A: Labour market insights are pulled from live job requisitions. Based on your skills you can learn which employers are hiring, what job titles you might be qualified for, salary ranges and more. Search active job listings and even apply for them with just a few clicks through Credly. Access the labour market insights from your badge details page by clicking on Related Jobs, or by clicking on the skill tags assigned to your badge. 

Q: Can I export badges issued through Credly to other badge-storing platforms?

A: Yes, you can download your badge from the Share Badge page. Your downloaded badge contains Open Badge Infrastructure (OBI) compliant metadata embedded into the image. This allows you to store your badge on other OBI-compliant badge sites, such as the Mozilla backpack.