Child Protection

Child Protection Credential

Child Protection is a complex and changing environment. Providing specific development and training in child protection has a positive impact on the children and families needing to access child protection.

The AASW identified a clear need for a credential to enable Child Protection workers to continue their learning beyond their degree in social work into more specialized skills.

AASW members achieving credentials can use these post-nominals

Accredited Child Protection Social Worker – MAASW ACPSW


Benefits of a Child Protection Credential

Make a difference

Accredited Child Protection Social Workers develop policy and design and deliver services to children involved in the child protection system.


Working in Child Protection can be emotionally difficult, highly complex and contested. When you gain a child protection accreditation, your high-level communication skills and your ability to safeguard children and encourage change is recognised.


Holding the Child Protection Credential is public recognition to your peers, the public and future employers that you have the skills and experience to undertake this very demanding and complex role.

Child Protection Credential FAQs

What specific resources and development will the association be providing for Accredited Child Protection Social Workers?
  • AASW’s online professional developme nt platform contains Child Protection specific on-demand training, as well as a selection of Live training which can be accessed through our events calendar. Accredited Child Protection Social Workers are required to are required to meet the CPD requirements annually to maintain their credential.
  • Social Work Australia is the AASW’s online community of practice, providing a dynamic, member-led space for peer connection, support, discussion, and learning through shared practice knowledge, experiences and resources. There is a dedicated Child Protection group where members can share and collaborate fellow credentialed members.
Am I eligible for the Child Protection Credential if I don’t work in direct child protection practice?

Applicants who are not currently working in direct practice can also be eligible for the child protection credential if they can demonstrate their understanding of the child protection capabilities that are fundamental to their ability to perform their role. This might apply to roles such as research, education and leadership and management roles.

How can I determine if a role I have performed meets the eligibility requirements of Criteria 2a?

You are required to show at least two (2) years’ full-time equivalent, post-qualification experience within the past five (5) years in a child protection setting. You must only include in this section employment positions from within the last five (5) years that are relevant to child protection. These roles must have been held after having qualified from an accredited social work course.

Direct and Indirect Practice – Applicants who are not currently working in direct practice can also be eligible for the child protection credential if you can demonstrate that your understanding of the child protection capabilities is fundamental to your ability to perform your role. This might apply to roles such as research, education and leadership and management roles.

The below information can be used for you to make as assessment of each role you have performed, to determine if it is a child protection social work setting.

Child Protection practice settings

Examples of specific settings can include, but are not limited to:

  • State statutory child protection agencies
  • Specialist family support and counselling services
  • Foster care
  • Residential care
  • Children’s commissions
  • Forensic and correctional services
  • Hospital and community health
  • Joint investigation response teams
  • Child wellbeing units
  • Adoption agencies
  • Management and governance
Scope of Child Protection Practice

The scope of social work practice in child protection includes, but is not limited to:

  • Attending to the physical, emotional, educational needs and spiritual wellbeing of children who enter the child protection system
  • Early identification and risk reduction
  • Risk assessment
  • Psychosocial assessments
  • Crisis intervention
  • Therapeutic interventions
  • Network facilitation for the child and family
  • Socio-legal and ethical decision making
  • Long-term planning
  • Family intervention and support
  • Leadership in case management and collaboration
  • Advocacy
  • Attention to specific cultural issues when placing Aboriginal and
  • Torres Strait Islander children
  • Policy development, and research.
What are the payment options for the Child Protection Credential (i.e. applications, renewal or reinstatement)?

Payment for the Child Protection Credential must be made in full before any new application, renewal, reinstatement, or secondary application (reassessment or appeal).

Do I have to sit a case study activity?

An invigilated case study activity is an essential component of the assessment process for all credentials. The activity requires you to provide a written response to two case studies in exam like conditions. In your response you will need to provide your assessment of the situation, and proposed intervention. Please see the Credentials Guide for more detailed information and an example of a credential assessment process.