AASW advocates for social workers in the NDIS
In November, the AASW met with the Advisor for the Minister for the NDIS, the Hon Bill Shorten MP, to raise member concerns about barriers to working effectively with NDIS participants.
The discussions highlighted the lack of recognition of NDIS supports provided by social workers. The AASW emphasised the crucial role social workers play in maintaining and maximising quality of life for people living with a disability.
The AASW sought assurances that social workers are:
• Included in the new guidelines and fee schedules, along with an accurate description of the important role they play and ensuring planners and coordinators understand the scope of social work in participant care
• Valued for their expertise in working in challenging environments and with participants who have complex needs
• Included in relevant working groups to inform NDIS reform, specifically the development of the navigator roles.
The NDIA has acknowledged, in writing, the value of social work in supporting participants. This includes:
• Providing a range of reasonable and necessary supports to participants, including therapy supports
• The design, implementation, and assessment of the effectiveness of therapy supports, include assessing and evaluating a participants functional capacity.
The AASW will continue to advocate for social workers to be equally recognised alongside other allied health providers in the NDIS.