
AASW Structure

AASW Structure

Board of Directors

The AASW is a public company limited by guarantee and regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (“ASIC”). Duties, responsibilities and liabilities of individual Board Directors are specified under the Corporations Act 2001. Under this Act, Directors of companies have a legal duty to act in the best interests of the company. The AASW Board Directors are elected by the members.

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Editorial Board

The AASW Editorial Board is responsible editing the Australian Social Work Journal. This journal is a high quality and internationally recognised social work publication that is produced in accordance with the strategic directions of the AASW Board of Directors. Austrlian Social Work Jounral has an Impact Factor of 2.579 moving the journal into Q1 for social work.

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National Research Committee

The National Research Committee (NRC) provides leadership, coordination and strategic focus to research that promotes the mission of the AASW. The NRC assists in the development, maintenance and review of policies and procedures.

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Research is key to the continued development of the theory and knowledge base of social work practice. AASW supports the undertaking of research as a key activity to build and maintain the mission of the social work profession.

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The AASW has nine branches throughout the country. Each branch enables members to participate in and benefit from professional communities in their region.

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