
The Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) produces a number of member newsletters: 

  • AASW Insider 
    AASW Insider is the fortnightly eNewsletter for the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), providing members with relevant news about activities and issues relating to social work and of interest to AASW Members. 
    Distribution: 17,000+ Members 

Insider publication dates (released twice per month)

31 January 2024​27 March 2024​27 May 2024​17 July 2024​18 September 2024​20 November 2024​
14 February 2024​10 April 2024​5 June 2024​7 August 2024​9 October 2024​4 December 2024​
28 February 2024​30 April 2024​19 June 2024​21 August 2024​23 October 2024​18 December 2024​
13 March 2024​15 May 2024​5 July 2024​4 September 2024​6 November 2024​
  • AMHSW Member News 
    Accredited Mental Health Social Workers (AMHSW) Member News is distributed monthly to our AMHSW Members. AMHSWs clients are eligible for Medicare rebates under a GP mental health plan (similar to psychologists). 
    Distribution: 2,900+ AMHSW Members. 

AMHSW publication dates (released once per month)

17 January 2024​20 March 2024​22 May 2024​10 July 2024​11 September 2024​13 November 2024​
21 February 2024​17 April 2024​12 June 2024​14 August 2024​16 October 2024​11 December 2024​

CPD Update (released once per month)

24 January 2024​27 March 2024​29 May 2024​31 July 2024​25 September 2024​27 November 2024​
21 February 2024​24 April 2024​26 June 2024​28 August 2024​30 October 2024​

EDM Booking Form 

Social Work Focus is our quarterly membership magazine. The Australian Association of Social Workers produces Social Work Focus to inform members of innovative practice, reflections, research and advice, as well as honouring the achievements of our members. 

Social Work Focus provides a fantastic opportunity for advertisers to reach our members, who are qualified social workers or students studying a social work degree. 
Distribution: 17,000+ Members 

2024 publication dates

Issue​Article DeadlineBooking & Artwork Deadline​Publication Date​
Winter 2024​10-May-247-Jun-24Week commencing 8 July 2024
Spring 2024​9-Aug-246-Sep-24Week commencing 7 October 2024
Summer 2024​27-Sep-241-Nov-24Week commencing 2 December 2024

Social Work Focus Booking form

Horizon Career Centre is the national jobs portal of the Australian Association of Social Workers. 

The Horizon Career Centre is a national jobs portal developed by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW), the peak body for social workers in Australia. 

If you require locum, contract or permanent staff, Horizon Career Centre is the place to advertise. 

Find out more about advertising on Horizon Career Centre. 

  • 17,000+ members
  • 3,000+ Accredited Mental Health Social Workers
  • 83% identify as female, 16% identify as male
  • Average social work salary at full-time equivalent is $90,272 (Labour Market Insights, January 2023) – 9% higher than the national average
  • Social work profession is projected to grow by 23.2% over the next five years (Labour Market Insights, January 2023)

The AASW has traditionally featured advertisements for external CPD training in our newsletters and Social Work Focus publication.

However, as of April 2023, the AASW no longer accepts advertisements for CPD workshops that are similar to the offerings provided by the AASW in terms of topic and structure.

If this change affects you, we now offer alternative avenues for collaboration. We are actively seeking partners to deliver CPD sessions either through live online platforms or on-demand formats.

Please reach out to our training team today if you are interested in collaborating with us to deliver training sessions.

We welcome new partners to collaborate with us in promoting university courses, conferences, events, symposia, and brands from diverse sectors including public and private companies, superannuation funds, financial institutions, SMEs, and NFPs. If you’re interested in presenting your brand to our audience of over 17,000 social workers, let’s start a conversation.

Download our Advertising Kit to find out more.

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