• SWF - Feb-Mar
    • Mentoring MREC - Closing
  • Monitoring

    The AASW plays a vital role in ensuring the quality and professionalism of social work education and training in Australia. To ensure that all accredited programs continue to meet the Accreditation Standards throughout the period of accreditation and delivery of these accredited programs effectively, the AASW aims to achieve this through our monitoring activities which may include one or more of the following activities. The activities can be found in more detail in the Guidelines for Accreditation assessment.

    1. Notification of Change

    Notification of any significant change including expansions to new locations, changes to online delivery, significant curriculum changes must be made to the AASW as soon as practicable.  The noted changes may have a potential impact on the program’s compliance with the Standards. This may occur at any stage throughout the accreditation cycle and may result in a desktop assessment of specific components of the program.  In some instances, it may be able to be captured or monitored by the annual report process, however a discussion should be held with the AASW Accreditation team. More details can be found in the Accreditation Assessment Considerations.

    2. Annual Report (each December)

    All Higher Education Providers with accredited social work programs must complete and submit an annual report to the AASW Accreditation Team for their accredited program. The Social Work Academic Organisation Units are requested to nominate any changes or developments which have occurred over the previous twelve months. The template for this can be located on the website and will also be included in communication from the AASW requesting its completion.            

    There may be instances identified through the annual report that a planned or future change brings into question whether a program will continue to meet the accreditation standards. In this instance it may be appropriate for a monitoring or condition to be imposed, such as a report to be submitted or a further review to be undertaken.

    Annual Report template

    3. Accreditation Monitoring – Ongoing

    There may be an occasion where the AASW receives a concern which may bring into doubt certain aspects of whether an accredited social work program continues to meet the accreditation standards. The AASW will consider such concerns and undertake further investigation where appropriate. The AASW will inform the Provider of the basis for the concern and the Provider will have the opportunity to respond. The outcome would note any action that may be necessary, and this may result in monitoring requirements or undertaking a desktop review or site visit.

    The AASW reserves the right to apply conditions or additional monitoring requirements to a social work program at any time if a serious risk or identification occurs where the program no longer meets the standards. At all times the Provider would be kept informed of the process being undertaken.

    4. Accreditation Status Publication

    The AASW maintains a listing of accredited programs on its website, which is updated post the Accreditation Council outcome decisions. Each program is provided with an accreditation expiry date which is captured in an AASW database. For an initial program, the expiration date will be the date of the Accreditation Council decision.

    The Provider is responsible for maintaining on their published material the accurate accreditation status of each social work program.  The Accreditation team will provide for new and fully accredited programs the logo which can be utilised on the Providers website.  From time to time the accreditation status currently displayed by Providers will be monitored by the AASW.