Reassessment, Internal review and External appeal

  • Reassessment, internal review and external appeal

    If you think there has been an error at any stage of your AASW skills assessment process, you have the option to a reassessment (application 1 only), an internal review, or an external appeal, if you meet the requirements.

    • A reassessment can be lodged when an applicant receives an unsuccessful outcome for an International Qualification Assessment and can provide new / additional information showing evidence of having satisfied the unmet criterion or criteria.
    • An internal review can be lodged when an applicant receives an unsuccessful outcome and when they believe error/s have been made in the qualification assessment or in administration of the application.
    • An external appeal can only be lodged when an internal review has already taken place and it was unsuccessful.

    Fees for a reassessment, internal review and an external appeal are listed on the assessment fees page.

    1. For application 1 you can request a re-assessment of your assessment outcome within 12 months of receiving the email with your outcome letter. Reassessments are conducted by AASW Professional Officer / Assessor, not previously involved in the original application. A reassessment incurs a fee and can only be undertaken once by an applicant.
    2. The applicant is provided with recommendations in the initial outcome letter, to be undertaken to achieve a successful outcome. The recommendations may include:
      • the specific area/s a deficit exists and the criterion that was unable to be met.
      • recommendation/s as to what would be required for the applicant to be able to meet the specific criterion in the future.
      • timeline required to submit evidence of meeting specific criterion for a re-assessment in the future
      • information if further course study is required and completed in Australia
      • information if further course study is required and completed overseas
      • information if further fieldwork is required- hours, foci, qualification of the Supervisor for supervision
      • further documentation that will be required to verify that the recommendations have been completed
    3. The applicant is required to provide new/additional information showing evidence of having satisfied the unmet criterion or criteria according to the recommendations.
    4. The outcome of the reassessment is final.
    5. Please refer to the schedule of fees.

    An internal review of an assessment is related to an assessment of a social work qualification linked to

    • an international social work qualification application (Application 1) or
    • a NZ qualification under the MRA application process (Application 4 and 5) or
    • an assessment of an AASW accredited social work qualification application gained in Australia (Application 2 and Application 3).

    Subject to meeting the criteria you can request an internal review of your assessment outcome within 30 days of receiving the email with your outcome letter. Internal reviews are conducted by an AASW staff member, not previously involved in the original application.

    Applicants can only undertake an internal review once. Please refer to the schedule of fees.

    The process for an internal review is:

    1. When an applicant receives an unsuccessful outcome, they are informed of the decision in writing in the form of an outcome letter. The applicant is provided with recommendations to be undertaken to achieve a successful outcome.
    2. An internal review process involves a more senior AASW staff member who was not involved in processing the original application, reviewing the original qualification assessment decision to determine that no errors have been made in the qualifications assessment or administration of the application.
    3. The applicant is required to email AASW at [email protected] explaining the reason they are requesting an internal review. The email should include details as to the error/s that have been made in the qualifications assessment or administration of the application. The applicant will receive confirmation from AASW verifying receipt of their internal review request.
    4. If an applicant is unsuccessful with their internal review, they have the option to lodge an external appeal.

    An External Appeal of an assessment is related to an assessment of a social work qualification linked to

    • an international social work qualification application (Application 1) or
    • a NZ qualification under the MRA application process (Application 4 and 5) or
    • an assessment of an AASW accredited social work qualification application gained in Australia (Application 2 and Application 3).

    Applicants can only undertake an external appeal once. Please refer to the schedule of fees.

    The grounds for an external appeal are:

    1. that the assessor did not accurately assess the evidence provided. The applicant must specify how the evidence was not accurately assessed, as part of their appeal application.
    2. For an appeal to be lodged, a fee is required to be paid as defined on the AASW website The appeal fee will be requested after the applicant lodges an email at [email protected]. The applicant will receive confirmation from AASW verifying receipt of their appeal request and will then be contacted by AASW to request payment of the appeal fee.
    3. The appeal application will be pre-assessed by AASW IQA Team to ensure that the grounds for appeal have been sufficiently identified by the applicant.
    4. The appeal will be undertaken by an external independent assessor who was not the assessor of the original assessment.
    5. 5. In the event of a successful outcome, the appeal fee will be reimbursed to the applicant. If, however the appeal application or outcome is unsuccessful, AASW retains the appeal fee.
    6. Decisions about the appeal application and outcome are final. Applicants will be provided with a written outcome notice of the appeal decision by email which will include the reasons for an unsuccessful decision, if applicable.
    7. The normal period for an appeal is approximately 8 weeks from the date of payment of the appeal fee.
    8. Each party to the appeal may be accompanied or assisted by another person at the applicant’s cost.

    We wish to clarify that submission of new evidence is not a ground of the appeal. If you wish to submit new evidence then the process by which you would do this, is to lodge documentation for a re-assessment of the original decision. The documentation must be linked specifically to the recommendations outlined in the original decision.

    Reassessment of an International Qualification Assessment of a Social Work qualification if correspondence address outside AustraliaAU $677.00
    Reassessment of an International Qualification Assessment of a Social Work qualification if correspondence address is within AustraliaAU $745.00 (includes GST)
    Internal review of an assessment of a Social Work qualification if correspondence address is outside AustraliaAU $806.00
    Internal review of an assessment of a Social Work qualification if correspondence address is within AustraliaAU $887.00 (includes GST)
    External Appeal of an Assessment of a Social Work qualification if correspondence address is outside AustraliaAU $860.00 
    External Appeal of an Assessment of a Social Work qualification if correspondence address is within AustraliaAU $946.00 (includes GST)