Find a Social Worker

The ‘Find a social worker’ online directory is a search tool making it easier to find and access social work services in Australia.

In this Directory you will find AASW Members who have elected to make their details available to the public. This list is not a definitive listing of all AASW members.

Members of the public and health service providers such as GPs can use the directory to search for social workers by name, location or services offered. You can also search for service providers covered by:

  • MBS (Focussed Psychological Strategies) 
  • MBS (Eating Disorders Services) 
  • MBS (non-directive pregnancy support counselling) 
  • MBS (Chronic Disease Management) 
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) 
  • Department of Veteran Affairs  
  • Bupa
  • Department of Veteran Affairs
  • Open Arms
  • Worker compensation schemes
  • Employment Assistance Programs
  • Private insurance cover
  • Accident Transport Schemes
  • Court Intermediary scheme and court report writing
  • Victim of crime counselling services
  • Other Government and non-government agencies
  • Self-funded

Find a Social Worker FAQs 

Here are the answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs) we receive about how to find a social worker in Australia.

The online directory lists AASW members who have elected to make their details available to the public.

Often working in private practice, Accredited Mental Health Social Workers have completed advanced training and education in mental health. They offer services such as individual counselling and casework, family therapy, consultancy, supervision and care management. Importantly, Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are recognised providers with Medicare Australia, as well as select private health insurance providers.

Many social workers listed on the directory are registered with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), enabling them to work with NDIS participants.

Anyone can use the Find a Social Worker tool to find and connect with an Accredited Social Worker. For example, members of the public looking for mental health support services can find Accredited Mental Health Social Workers working in private practices near them.

It is also a fast and user-friendly tool for GPs and other referring health service providers. They can use the directory to connect patients with mental health specialists and other social work services, including those covered by Medicare and/or registered the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

The Find a Social Worker tool is an efficient way to find a social worker with the skills and experience to support your needs. It also makes it easier to access social work services that are covered by Medicare, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) or private health insurance providers.

Accredited Mental Health Social Workers often work in private practices that do not include ‘social worker’ in the practice name; instead these are often badged as ‘counselling’ or ‘wellbeing’ practices. The Find a Social Worker tool is an easy way to find them.

You can search for a social worker either by name, location or services offered. As you start to type in a location, a drop down list of options will appear. Please choose the location you require from this list. Once you have identified an appropriate provider, the Find a Social Worker tool gives you the option to contact them by telephone or send an email enquiry directly.

Accredited Mental Health Social Workers are recognised providers with Medicare Australia. If you are experiencing mental health issues, your GP can provide a Mental Health Treatment Plan and refer you to an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker. This will enable you to claim a rebate for up to 10 sessions with an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker.

Accredited Mental Health Social Worker services are also covered by Bupa Private Health Insurance, Teachers Health and HCF Extras cover. The AASW is working with other private health insurers to add to this list. Ask your private health insurer if you can claim benefits under your Extras cover for services provided by Accredited Mental Health Social Workers. Generally, you do not need a referral to see an AMHSW and claim under your private health insurance. Check your Extras cover for eligibility and coverage.

You or your GP can search the Find a Social Worker tool to find a suitable Accredited Mental Health Social Worker near you.

Many Accredited Social Workers listed on the Find a Social Worker tool are registered with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA), enabling them to work with NDIS participants. In fact, social workers must be accredited through the AASW to achieve NDIA registration.

There are two item numbers dedicated to social work services in the NDIS. You can search for registered providers using the Find a Social Worker tool.

Serious ethical misconduct may result in a social worker being deemed ineligible for AASW membership under the AASW Code of Ethics and/or AASW Constitution.

For more information about the Ethics Complaints Management Process please go visit: Making a complaint

The following social workers are ineligible for AASW membership:

First NameLast NameState
John KBelieuVIC
Shane (AKA David)Casey (AKA Carney)NSW
Teodulfo (Teddy)TinambacanQLD
Lowarn (AKA Joe)TirrellVIC


Under the AASW Ethics Complaints Management Process, conditions may be placed on a social worker’s membership as a result of a substantiated ethics complaint. These conditions may restrict the social worker’s scope of practice or may require them to undertake further education and training for a period of time.

There are currently no AASW members with conditions on their membership.

For more information about the Ethics Complaints Management Process please visit: Making a complaint

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