The AASW Fellow

Highly experienced members of The AASW can now apply to become Fellow of the Australian Association of Social Workers (FAASW). 

Becoming a Fellow means you’re recognised as an expert in your field, with Fellows recognised and respected worldwide as leaders of industry. The fellowship marks a strong, ongoing relationship with The AASW. 

Becoming an AASW Fellow does not incur any application fees. However, to maintain your AASW Fellow, members will need to ensure their membership is current and financial. 

The AASW Fellow offering

Upon successful application and receipt of the Fellow status, members will receive the following:

    • AASW Fellow digital badge 
    • Certificate of Fellow member status
    • Use of relevant post-nominals FAASW
    • Mention in the Social Work Focus quarterly publication
    • Acknowledgement as a Fellow in the AASW Find a Social Worker tool
    • Invited to activities to contribute your knowledge, expertise, and experience.
Becoming an AASW Fellow
By application 

The AASW members who believe they meet the eligibility requirements can apply for Fellow status by completing an application form and submitting the required supporting documentation. 

 By invitation 

The AASW may, at any time, invite a person to transfer to the status of Fellow on the grounds that the person has the requisite knowledge, experience, good standing and professionalism befitting a member holding the status of Fellow. 

The AASW Fellow eligibility criteria
  1. An AASW Member for at least 5 consecutive years
  2. Accredited Social Worker (ASW) or  an AASW credentialled social worker
  3. 3a. Achieved an advanced practice social work degree (AQF Level 9 by research or extended) or a Doctoral or Higher Doctoral Degree relevant to Social Work (AQF Level 10)


3b. Have at least ten years of senior management experience in social work and/or allied health industries  

  1. Have at least ten years of work experience in social work
  2. Can demonstrate a significant contribution to the profession of social work within the last 5 years
  3. Completed declarations as per membership application
  4. Cover letter describing your professional achievements to demonstrate your eligibility for the AASW Fellow
Renewal of Fellow status
  • Fellow members do not have any additional requirements for undertaking additional CPD. However, to maintain their Fellow status, they must remain a member of the AASW and engage in appropriate CPD activities to stay current with the profession. This may include maintaining their Accredited Social Worker or other AASW credentials. 

AASW Fellows
  • Dr Sharon McCallum  
  • Prof Jill Wilson   
  • Thomas O’Brien  
  • Dr Joseph Fleming  
  • Lillian Flanagan  
  • Jon Wannberg  
  • Marie Novella-Mcmahon  
  • Dr Stephanie Azri  
  • Tiffani Clingin  
  • Tracey Harris  
  • James Newton  
  • Adjunct Associate Prof Venkat Pulla  
  • Mickey Skidmore  
  • Pamela Trotman  
  • Dr Tanya Marie Robinson  
  • Dr Lorraine Muller  
  • Dr Amanda Nickson