Volunteer Practice Groups

Volunteer Practice Groups

Practice Groups are a forum for social workers operating in different areas of practice or in specific regions to:

  • Meet and share common practice issues and knowledge
  • Promote and provide expertise within the group, to the AASW and the wider community
  • Develop and provide workshop and other events

Get Involved

Practice Groups

If you are interested in getting involved in an existing Practice Group, please contact the Practice Group Convenor directly via the relevant AASW Branch website.

The AASW welcomes applications from its members for new Practice Groups at any time.

If chosen to be a Convenor for a Practice Group, there is no minimum period you are required to hold this position, however most Convenors will serve around 2 years.

Please note: There are minimum requirements that need to be fulfilled to establish a Practice Group. An application form must be completed and submitted to the Branch Management Committee and a Terms of Reference specific to the proposed group must be developed.

See a list of current Practice Groups and meet the Practice Group Convenors

Interested in volunteering? Find out more.